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Fast Essay Writing Services | Just Question Answer

Get help for Fast Essay Writing Services | Just Question Answer. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subjects of All Universities for Session 2017-2018.

Homework Solutions 86


Decision Making (graded)

What is the link between perception and decision making? How does one affect the other?

Recent Question 89

Politicization of GAAP

Some accountants have said that politicization in the development and acceptance of generally accepted accounting principles (i.e rule making) is taking place. Some use the term “politicization” in a narrow sense to mean the influence by governmental agencies, particularly the Security and Exchange Commission, on the development of generally accepted accounting principles. Others use it more broadly to mean the compromise that results when the bodies responsible for developing generally accepted accounting principles are pressured by interest groups (SEC, American Accounting Association, businesses through their various organizations, Institute of Management Accountants, financial analysts, bankers, lawyers, and so on).

(a) The Committee on Accounting Procedure of the AICPA was established in the mid-to late 1930s and functioned until 1959, at which time the Accounting Principles Board came into existence. In 1973, the Financial Accounting Standards Board was formed and the APB went out of existence. Do the reasons these groups were formed, their methods of operation while in existence, and the reasons for the demise of the first two indicate an increasing politicization (as the term is used in the broad sense) of accounting standard-setting? Explain your answer by indicating how the CAP, the APB, and the FASB operated or operate. Cite specific developments that tend to support your answer.

(b) What arguments can be raised to support the “politicization” of accounting rule-making?

(c) What arguments can be raised against the “politicization” of accounting rule-making?

Recent Question 90

Homework Solutions 87

CERT 401 Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching Certification Preparation

We are providing CERT 401 Homework help, Study material, Notes, Documents, CERT 401 Write ups. Just question answer is one of the best assignment helper of Advanced Studies in Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching Certification Preparation (CERT 401).

Recent Question 92

Health Concern in 2020

Pages Health concern for the community from healthy people 2020.
1. Abstract
2. Overview of the topic. 2a. why is this a public issue? 2b. include statistics, risk factors, demographic information, special population identified, etc.
3. Specific health behaviours that are targeted? 3a.what specific behaviours are the health educators and health people 2020 encouraging the target population to adopt?
4. Healthy people 2020 goals and objective related to the health related to the issue.
5. Interventions. 5a. describe the intervention proposed by healthy people 2020.
6. The role of the health educators in addressing the topic. 6a. using the 7 responsibilities of health educators, describe how a health educator would work to address the health problem in the community. 6b. what health education setting might be most appropriate for this problem.

it has be from healthy people 2020 wed site that is a go to 2020/topics and objectives. The topics are adolescent health.

Grantham University courses

Admission, Courses and Assignment help for Grantham University

There are many universities available worldwide for the online education, but very few of them can deliver quality education in the content form like Grantham University. This university is different from other universities because of the courses and courses content provided by them to the students. There are many other facilities like the online library as well as assignment helps in online as a well offline form for the students.
This assignment help is available in different forms of modules and packages as per the demand of students for the topics and subjects. Some of them are very costly while some others are affordable for the students. Students can select the proper one from the available range for their studies. The study pattern of the students studying in online university is very different from the study pattern of students studying in traditional university.

    What is the difference in the study pattern at Grantham University?

There is a vast difference in the study pattern of students studying in online courses as well as offline courses or traditional courses of education. Some of the significant differences are pointed out in this article. The major difference is in the course content and its design. The courses designed in the online courses are made as per the international needs and guidelines from the industry as well as academia.

Hence, all the upgrades in the topic and all the new things happening in the subjects are immediately notified in the courses as notifications, but the courses taught in traditional form are orthodox in some sense, as there is no provision for updating of the courses time to time as per the global needs. This makes these courses unable to fulfil the global requirements which result in the students who are not able to get the required jobs. In addition to this, the courses taught in the online mode are more oriented toward the practical field of the work and very less concentrated towards a theoretical understanding of the subject.


FINANCE Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management CHAPTER 17 QUESTIONS 12
Discuss the difference between a foreign bond (e.g., a Samurai) and a Eurobond (e.g., a   Euroyen issue).

CRJ 240 WEEK 6 QUIZ 11

A major reform in juvenile justice in the 1970s was the:
a.    removal of status offenders from public training schools.
b.    removal of violent offenders from training schools for status offenders.
c.    elimination of maximum-security facilities for males in almost all states.
d.    none of the choices apply.

Question Answers 714

International business environment

Traditionally Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has followed foreign trade since foreign trade is typically less costly and risky than making a direct investment into foreign markets. Entering a market via FDI allows management to enter the market in small increments controlling their investment. However, globalization of markets is challenging this traditional market entry strategy.

For example, you have probably noticed that currency risk and fluctuations, such as weaker dollar, higher euro - and sovereign financial debt and austerity measures in countries and ECB actions have been on the forefront of economic discussions for a number of years. In the midst, some time ago there was discussion in Washington on the Chinese purchase of Smithfield (read further information at, 9/5/2013). InBev, the Belgian-Brazilian beer company, led the way in 2008 by acquiring Anheuser-Busch (read further information at For America needs businesses from the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and businesses from all over the world to take a new look at the U.S. market. Investments by foreign firms are vital to fund growth and expansion of the U.S. companies. The United States generally remains the largest single recipient of foreign direct investment in the world for recent several years.

Discuss how the new international business environment is causing this path to market expansion to change. Do you think the currency volatility and financial ratings of countries affect foreign investment decisions? Do you agree with the statement that countries with stronger currency invest in countries with weaker currencies? How would you analyze this development and purchase of American companies by businesses from emerging economies? Support your comments with information from this week's lecture, readings and your research. Illustrate and reinforce your answer with any theories from international trade and FDI theories.

Homework Solutions 90

Recent Question 454

Recent Question 93

Demand and supply schedules

Price Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied

$6 5,000 2,000

7 4,000 2,000

8 3,000 2,000

9 2,000 2,000

10 1,000 2,000

The stadium owners need to find the optimum price for the games.

1. What are the coefficients of elasticity of supply and demand if the price is raised from $6 to $8? (8 points)

2. Characterize the demand and supply for tickets based on the calculated elasticies. (4 points)

3. What is the optimum price that the stadium owners can set for the tickets? (4 points)

4. Why is the selected price for the tickets better than other prices given in the table above? (4 points)

Recent Question 94

Mutually Exclusive Possibilities

1) Growing up, family vacations were difficult for your instructor because both she and her father have a disease called FHS muscular dystrophy that causes inability to walk, severe pain, and other problems. It's about as "fun" as it sounds! Let's consider a family in the same situation that is considering taking a 10-day vacation, the only one possible in ten years due to their busy schedules.
     There are two mutually exclusive possibilities:
Someone will get sick and ruin the whole vacation (no vacation days), or
No one will get sick and they will get ten whole days of vacation.
We can write the family’s utility function as U = V1/2 (or U = V^(1/2) if it does not show correctly on your monitor), where V is the number of vacation days the family ends up being able to take. The chance of someone in the family getting sick over the relevant time period is 20%. What is the expected value of V over the vacation?

2) Continuing with the scenario just described, calculate the family’s expected utility (expected value of U).


REL 133 WEEK 5 the view of religion as an outdated method for providing solutions to life- problems was


 Measuring Economic Exposure. Memphis Co. hires you as a consultant to assess its degree of
economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. How would you handle this task? Be specific.


"Key Concepts and Skills" Please respond to the following:

Discuss at least three key concepts and / or skills that you learned in the course. Discuss how you plan to use them in your current or future teaching environment.
Recommend at least one topic, activity, assignment, or skill that would be beneficial to include in this course.


1 A n __________ is client software that displays Web page elements and handles links between pages.

2.            HTML is called a markup language because authors mark up their documents by inserting HTML tags, which represent special instructions that specify how the document should appear when displayed on a computer screen or printed.

3.            The __________ for a Web site's main page, such as, is usually short and to the point.

4.            __________ is a protocol that works in conjunction with TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.

5.            A Web server's response to a browser's request includes an HTTP __________ that indicates whether the browser's request could be fulfilled.

6.            A __________ enables a Web server to keep track of your activity and compile a list of your purchases.

7.            __________ provides tools specifically designed to enter and format Web page text, graphics, and links.

8.            When you purchase a textbook online from a site such as, you are participating in __________; however, when you purchase a used digital camera directly from the owner on an online auction, you are participating in __________ e-commerce.

9.            As Jessica begins her research of just how shopping carts work, she is surprised to find that many e-commerce sites store information about her Web visits on her hard drive. What do these sites use to store visit information?

10.          Most e-mail software has an HTML option. If the recipient of your HTML e-mail does not have HTML-compliant e-mail software, your message will be delivered as plain, unformatted __________ text.

11.          __________ temporarily stores new messages in your inbox on an e-mail server. When you request your mail, it is downloaded and stored on your computer.

12.          Web-based e-mail allows you to use a(n) __________ to access and view your e-mail messages.

13.          __________ e-mail stores your e-mail messages on a server, where you have less control over who can access them.

14.          To avoid becoming a spam victim you should:

15.          __________ schemes redirect users to fake sites by poisoning a domain name server with a fake IP address, whereas __________ is an e-mail scam designed to persuade you into revealing confidential information by replying to an e-mail.


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