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PGMT 570 Entire Course of Harrisburg University | Just Question Answer

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PMGT 570 Week 1Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 1 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any two of the following discussion questions for your own single forum post.

1.      If you have some experience in Agile prior to this course, describe the experiences you have and the knowledge or understanding you have currently of Agile.

2.      Describe how you think Kanban could be used in your organization

3.      Given the Agile Manifesto 4 values, describe what value would be the easiest and what value would be the hardest for you to implement in your organization and why.

4.      Pick an Agile Manifesto principle that you think is likely to have the biggest impact on the success or failure of a typical project and why?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 1 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University


Unit 1 - Pecha Kucha Kanban - Team Assignment

Develop a Pecha Kucha Presentation on Kanban.

Develop, record and upload a Pecha Kucha Presentation Summarizing the Agile Methodology Kanban using any source available to you including what has been provided to you in the core materials.  Include in your Pecha Kucha 1) what is Kanban 2) why do organizations use it 3) what are at least 2 examples of Kanban with enough explanation about it that someone will get it. Include anything else you like but at least include these items.

Setup up PPT to automatically advance slides at 20 secs, record audio from all team members (yes you must collaborate together), upload the final recording to Moodle.

PPT submittal must be less than 64 Megabyte or you must publish your output to the web.

Here are a couple of examples of how to do a Pecha Kucha

Google search for Pecha Kucha to see other examples of how to create on PowerPoint

PMGT 570 Week 3 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 3 - Lesson 1 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick one of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    Which role do you think is most like a project manager?  Discuss why.

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 2 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 3 - Lesson 2 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any one of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    What people do you work with or know that would either support or not support Scrum? Why? For people you work with or know, how would they fit into a particular Scrum role?
    How does a Scrum Product Owner role fit you and your desires and experience? Why? Who do you know that would make a great Product Owner?
    What characteristics of yourself would make you a better project manager or a better Product owner? Why?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 4 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 4 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any two of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    How is the Scrum Master role similar to and different than a project manager role?
    What can “coaching” techniques be used with the team?
    How is the ScrumMaster role different than the Product Owner? Is it a fulltime role? Discuss
    Would you be a better ScrumMaster or Product Owner? Why?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 5 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 5 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any two of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    What behavior guidelines are would be different for a Scrum Team versus a regular project team?
    What tasks do you see that are different each day for a Scrum Team versus a traditional team?
    How would self-organizing work in your organization? Discuss the pros and cons.
    How does getting work accomplished in a Scrum team different from a traditional project team?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 5 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 5 Scrummage Help File - Team Assignment

In this team assignment, you and your team will build a Help File for the Scrum Tool Scrummage. You will be added to the Scrummage tool by your instructor and will receive an email invitation prior to this assignment beginning. While it is the fairly intuitive interface, consider that you building this for a new student to SCRUM and that you need to provide as much detail as possible.

The Help File should be focused on "How to Use the Scrummage Tool" not on Scrum itself.  You will each have to learn the tool and apply what you learned to build the help file.

I have listed the main categories and subcategories.  You are also requested to find at least one area of the tool that I did not cover and explain that as well.

I have provided you the template that you must use for this assignment.  Consider using screenshots in the table and good descriptions of how to use the tool.

I would expect that the total Help File would be no less than 20 pages or so.

There will be a project in Scrummage for your team name, semester, and year created with everyone as a team member. From there you can create the help file.

PMGT 570 Week 6 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 6 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any two of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    How does product level planning occur in your organization?
    How does failing fast relate to Product level planning?
    How does a product roadmap relate to a product backlog?
    Where does release management fit into the product backlog?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 6 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 6 - Final Project Vision Statement

Beginning with this assignment you will work the rest of the semester on a series of team assignments which will take your team though the scrum framework and allow you to simulate a scrum project with two sprints.

The first step in a product development project using scrum is a product vision. The team must know the product they are building and why. This product vision is typically created by the product owner. In this assignment, you as a team, will come up with a new product you would want to build. For this assignment the product you pick should be a software product. You can either choose an existing software product you want to compete against or come up with a new idea.

The easier solution would be to pick an existing product and create a competitor. The reason is, you know the features and functionality that exist in that product already and what you do or do not like about the product. You could use some of the same features for your product and then evolve or replace the feature you do not like. The more difficult option is to come up with a new product and the features that you want in that product. Remember you will be building user stories for this product from the product vision, estimating the user stories, and prioritizing them. Make sure your idea is robust enough for 30 user stories.
For this assignment submit just one word document per team with this following information:

1.      Product Name

2.      Is there an existing product or products which will compete with this product? If so, what are they?

3.      Write a product vision using one of the formats in Essential Scrum book pages 292-293

4.      What are 5 features of the product

Additional resources you can use:

8 Tips for creating a compelling product vision

Building a Product Users Want

Four steps to defining your product vision with agile management

PMGT 570 Week 8 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 8 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts. For at least two different roles in your semester project, write two user stories each for each role.  Then review the posts from at least two other students and evaluate and critique their user stories.

Writing Requirements                    

    Initial Post  - two user stories for each of two different roles in the prescribed format " As a _____ , I want to __________ so that I can ___________,"
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 8 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 8 - Final Project User Stories

After a product vision statement is created for a new product, user stories are written based on that product vision. The product vision is the high level view of the product created by the product owner. User stories are created by the product owner and/or the scrum team. The user stories describe the functionality a user wants in the product. User stories also include acceptance criteria which define how a product owner knows the user story has been implemented. This team assignment is to create 30 user stories each within 1 acceptance criteria for the product vision which you created in the last assignment.

In scrummage, within your team’s project, create 30 user stories following the format described in Rubin and the required reading or from the lecture slides on user stories. Put the user stories into the backlog of your team project.

To submit this assignment, have one team member submit a screenshot of your user stories from scrimmage

PMGT 570 Week 9 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 9 -Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts using the following discussion question for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    How could story points be used in traditional project management or not?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 9 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 9 - Final Project Prioritized and Estimated Product Backlog

After user stories have been created they must be prioritized by the product owner and estimated by the team. The result is the prioritized, estimated product backlog which the team will build.

1. For this assignment in Scrummage prioritize the user stories in the order of business value, which user stories must be done down to the user stories that are not required.

2. After prioritizing the user stories then use planning poker with the Fibonacci series to estimate the number of story points for user story. Enter the consensus story point number into Scrummage for each user story. Do this as a team exercise making sure all participate.


1.      Submit a single word document which includes a screenshot of the prioritized and estimated product backlog for your team.

PMGT 570 Week 10 Discussion | Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 10 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Unit 10 Homework Quiz

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick any two of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    Under what conditions do you see using a Sprint 0?
    What project work are you doing now that is timeboxed?
    What is the reason behind fixed Sprint duration?
    What project variables would impact velocity?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 10 Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 10 Final Project Release and Sprint Planning

 After a prioritized, estimated product backlog is created then a release plan can be created and finally sprint planning can take place.

Here are the assumptions for this assignment:

The average velocity of your team is 20 story points per sprint

Sprints are 2 weeks in duration

You have a team of 3 developers and 2 testers in your scrum team along with the ScrumMaster and product owner.

1. Split your user stories into as many sprints as necessary to consume all of the story points based on 20 story points velocity (maximum number of story points per sprint) for each sprint

2. Create that number of sprints in your Scrummage project and place each user story into a sprint based on prioritization, the number of story points, and velocity. Remember, although your velocity is 20 you do not need to have exactly 20 story points in each sprint, they can go over or under by 1 or 2 depending on the prioritization. The user story prioritization should be the number of factor to use when determining the sprint a user story goes into. 

3. After all user stories are allocated to sprints then begin to build the sprint backlog for sprint 1. For each user story in sprint 1 create a set of tasks that would be required to complete that user story. If you are not familiar with software development you can use these tasks: Design, Develop, and Test.  

4. Have each team member pick one or more user stories they would work on and put their name on the tasks for the user stories they would work on.  

5. After tasks are associated with a team member that team member will associate hours with each task. Make sure to fill in the estimated hours and remaining hours with the same number. Also fill out 0 as the hours completed. This listing of user stories, tasks, and hours within a sprint is called the sprint backlog.  

6. You will also need to begin simulating 2 sprints of 2 weeks each. Review Final Project Unit 14 – Team Project Scrum and Scrummage for instructions on how to simulate two sprints.


1. Submit a single word document which includes screenshots of your release plan, showing each sprint and the user stories associated with that sprint

2.      Submit a single word document which includes screenshots of your sprint 1 sprint backlog. This should include the user stories associated with the sprint and the tasks associated with each user story.

PMGT 570 Week 12 Discussion |Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 12 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - discuss the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions in the forum post.

    How are the project management processes that surround Scrum similar to and different to how the project management processes surround a project life cycle like SDLC (Waterfall)?
    Describe how the hybrid approach would make sense or not make sense for either your organization or an organization that you are familiar with.

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 12 Case Study |Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 12 - Valpak Case Study Summary - Individual

Read Chapter 19 Case Study- Valpak in The Project Manager's Guide to Mastering Agile and answer the below questions in a submitted essay.

Write a 1500 word Case Study Analysis by answering the following questions:

1. What was the transformation that took place at Valpak?

2. What types of Agile methodologies were used at Valpak?

3. What is an "Architectural epic"?

4. What is portfolio Kanban and how was it implemented at Valpak?

5. How did projects get implemented at Valpak since SAFe doesn't recognize projects?

6. What were the big challenges that were addressed at Valpak?

7. What were the key success factors at Valpak?

8. What were the results and conclusions from the Valpak implementation of SAFe?

9. What were the lessons learned from Valpak regarding the implementation?

Write a 500 word summary on the following questions that you would anticipate if the same kind of implementation was addressed at your company

10. How would this approach be implemented at your company?

11. What methodologies would be changing at your company to go to the SAFe type of methodology?

12. Give an example of an "Architectural epic" that would be used at your company.

13. How would portfolio Kanban be implemented at your company?

14. What do you think the biggest challenges you would face at your company if you were the consultant hired to implement the same types of processes that were addressed at Valpak?

15. If it were to be successful at your company, what would the key success factors be?

PMGT 570 Week 13 Discussion |Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 13 L1 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies                                   

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts - pick one of the following discussion questions for your own forum post.  State the questions you have chosen in the forum post.

    Which one of the Agile Scrum tools would you choose first and why?
    How does your choice compare to our class tool Scrummage?

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 13 Discussion 2 |Assignment Help | Harrisburg University

Unit 13-L2 - Forum Discussion Topic

Forum Post and Replies

Complete the Forum Discussion question and reply to two other posts.  Your forum post is the following:

For the three certifying organizations, CSM or  CPO (Scum Alliance), PSM or PPO (  and  PMI-ACP (PMI) - pick the one or two certifications that you are most likely to pursue at one point in your career and tell why and when you might do this.

Submit your Forum post and respond to two others

Writing Requirements

    Initial Post Length minimum of 150 words
    Replies: minimum of 100 words per post (respond to at least two classmates, please select classmates that you have not yet replied to)

PMGT 570 Week 13 AssignmentHelp | Harrisburg University

Unit 13 - Certifications and Tools - Individual

Certifications and Tools (Submit 1 document)

1) Write a 500-word description comparing the following certifications:


Scrum Alliance (CSM, CPO)


If there are multiple certifications in each organization, compare the ones that are most relevant to other certifications.

2) Write a 500-word comparison of the Agile Tools for Scrum using the topics listed below  - including how they relate to the Agile Project Manager.









Pivotal Tracker

Some suggested topics to compare:

Backlog management

Dashboards and reports

Sprints – Plan, Track and Manage

Release Planning

Planning, Task, and ScrumBan Boards

Teams and Roles

Burndown Charts

Project Management

Program Management


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